

Surgeon mente prius et oculi agat, quam manu armata - let the surgeon first look and think before intervening with an armed hand. We can't imagine a better definition of what surgery actually is. It is a medical field which, like internal medicine, includes a wide range of other developed fields:

  • General surgery - or so-called abdominal surgery is a department dealing with diseases of the abdominal organs, in the treatment of which we apply surgical methods and surgical approaches
  • Oncological and reconstructive surgery - this is a surgical department that deals with the most thorough removal of tumors and subsequent adequate and functional reconstruction of the surrounding tissues. We have many years of experience in solving less complicated up to the most complicated cases
  • Thoracic surgery - similar to the previous field, it deals with thoracic diseases, which are solved using surgical methods (congenital anomalies, acute cases, chronic diseases, oncological diseases)
  • Orthopaedics and traumatology - "Life is movement, movement is life". With today's sophisticated methods of treatment, these surgical departments can very sensitively and effectively solve problems associated with the musculoskeletal system of animals. From minor sprains to complicated fractures. We have top years of experience and a dedicated team for dealing with challenging diseases and injuries.

As this is a very wide range of procedures, we will mention the most common:

Complete orthopedic diagnostics

  • MVDr. Valašek is a certified assessor of hereditary orthopedic diseases - hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, patella luxation

Therapy of hereditary / developmental diseases of the musculoskeletal systemLatella patella

  • Dysplasia of the elbow joint
  • Shoulder joint dysplasia - OCD
  • Heel joint dysplasia - OCD
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Corrective osteotomies

Therapy of acquired diseases of the musculoskeletal system

  • Anterior cruciate ligament damage - TTA
  • Damage to the ligament system of joints - replacements, arthrodesis

Fracture therapy

  • Internal fixation (using implants)
  • External fixation (external fixators - linear, circular, hybrid)

We would like to point out an important fact here. It is unthinkable for us to release animals that have not been fully awakened from previous anesthesia from our workplace for home treatment after surgery. We are fully equipped and staffed / trained to ensure that patients have the highest possible comfort after surgery and, despite the often painful conditions, manage them as best they can. Perhaps with the exception of severe musculoskeletal disorders, our patients leave the hospital "on their own". This is one of our main principles.

Office hours

Monday - Friday
9:00 - 20:00
Saturday - Sunday
9:00 - 16:00

Make an appointment

Please make an appointment before your visit. You can make an appointment by calling our phone number during office hours.